Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Project 1

I cropped and centered this photo so that the telephone was the main focus, and put it in black and white with high contrast in order to give it an eerie feeling.

I cropped the top of this photo so that the main focus was on the transmitter, and added a filter that saturated the colors a bit more, making the phone look more yellow, and the transmitters' holes have an orange glow.

I cropped and centered this photo so that the phone was the center and vertical in the frame.  I added a filter that darkened the background a bit and brought the attention onto the phone.

For this photo, I cropped the outer edges and brightened the photo so that my cat's features were more noticeable.  I added a filter that gave the photo an "old family album" feeling.

Another picture of my cat, from below our balcony.  He was peering at the camera from through the bars so I decided to crop the image so that he was the center focus, and added a black and white filter in order to give it a dark feeling.

For this photo, I added a filter that fuzzed the edges of my cat's fur, which gave the photo a warm feeling.  It almost looks like a painting.

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