Friday, March 13, 2015

Project 7- Alternative Processes Through Digital Means

 In the past, photographers took photos and engaged in a specific photographic process that gave their photos a particular look, creating a daguerreotype.  Through digital editing on Photoshop, I was able to take an original photo and give it the properties of an aged, framed, black and white photograph.

Cyanotypes are photographic blueprints.  Again, I used photoshop to imitate the look that cyanotypes have.  I really like how nature is used as subjects for this photographic style so I choose to use flowers as my subjects.

Gum Bichromate is also a photo printing process that uses light sensitivity (very similar to cyanotypes).  I chose a dandelion and an African mask I have in my house to use as subjects.  

Monday, March 9, 2015

Artists of the Surrealist Movement

Surrealist art is typically art that is seen as the combination of creative images that usually don't belong together in order create a dream-like and abstract effect.  These paintings were typically seen as art that reveal ideas and images from the unconscious.  I like how both of the paintings posted below intertwine images of nature and people to express an idea.
Salvador DalĂ­
Remedios Varo