Sunday, October 26, 2014

Project 2- Framing and Composition Techniques

For this project, we took numerous photos to fit the 8 framing and composition techniques, rule of thirds, frame within a frame, close up, bird's eye view, bug's eye view, leading lines, diagonals, and filling the frame.  We then chose our best 3 photos of each of the 8 techniques and edited at least 1 of the photos from each technique.  The following photos include my 8 best edited photos (1 from each of the techniques) and a contact sheet of 36 photos that include both my original and edited photos.   
Contact Sheet
Rule Of Thirds  

Frame Within a Frame
Close Up
Bird's Eye View
Bug's Eye View

Leading Lines


Filling the Frame
Here are 3 of my favorite additional photos that I did not edit but wanted to post on the blog.  

Bird's Eye View

Fill the Frame

Leading Lines

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