Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Project #1: Early Processes

My idea for this project is inspired by my mom.

One of her favorite things to do is garden.  Our house in Southern California had the best-looking front lawn in the neighborhood not only because of the vibrant and colorful flowers, but how the flowers were arranged-- my mom had mastered the art of gardening.  This passion didn't stop after we moved to Portland, Oregon, despite our lack of yard space.  My mom continues to plant a variety of flowers in the front yard (and once again, we have the best looking lawn in town), and any other plants, flowers, or vegetables that don't fit in that limited space are placed into planters on our two balconies.  All of the plants used for my project are from her garden.

I wanted the plants to form animal silhouettes of a dog, cat, horse, and pig because my mom is a veterinarian. She works with dogs and cats but has always wanted to work with farm animals.


First, I arranged plants randomly on the photo-paper (covering the paper completely) and exposed for 5-6 seconds on F.11.  Then I removed all the plants off the paper, placed an animal stencil on the paper, and exposed for 5-6 seconds on F.11.  There were some variations of F-stop and the time of exposure on some of the Photograms because some plants were thicker than others. I also used different enlargers, all of which are slightly different.

I really enjoyed this process because of its focus on texture and light.  I will pursue and experiment with this process throughout the year.

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