Friday, December 11, 2015

Project #2: Angles, Elements, and Filters

Filter Tests for Photo 1:

Photo 1 - I took this photo of two figurine elephants my grandma that decorate my house.  This print was developed at Filter 3, F-stop 11, for 5 seconds.

Filter Tests for Photo 2:

Photo 2 - I took this photo of wooden stairs leading to the beach at my ConTeam coaches'  beach house.  This print was developed at Filter 3, F-stop 11, for 5 seconds.

Filter Tests for Photo 3:

Photo 3 - I took this photo at the Oregon Coast.  This was developed at Filter 3, F-stop 11, for 5 seconds.
Filter Test for Photo 4:

Photo 4 - I took this photo of my brother during Thanksgiving break in Southern California.  This print was developed at Filter 3, F-stop 11, for 5 seconds.

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